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Water Leak? We Have You Covered | SERVPRO of Columbia and Suwannee Counties

5/15/2024 (Permalink)

Roof is Leaking, Pipe Rupture at Home: Water Drips into Buckets in Living Room. Act fast and get in touch with SERVPRO of Columbia and Suwannee Counties upon discovering water damage.

As an experienced homeowner, you have a set routine for maintaining your home and taking care of your family. Despite this, you may encounter problems such as a malfunctioning dishwasher or a dripping washing machine from time to time.

Although these issues may not appear urgent, it’s crucial to address them promptly to prevent a minor water problem from escalating into a major one. We outline below effective methods for identifying and managing leaks to safeguard your home's comfort and safety.

Where to Look First 

If you are uncertain about the source of a water leak, it can be challenging to locate it quickly. Water leaks can occur wherever there is a water line or pipe, many of which are concealed behind walls or under floors, just out of sight. A single water leak has the potential to quickly damage drywall or cause swelling in newly installed wood floors, making prompt action essential.

Start by examining any appliances in the affected room. Turn them off and move them away from the wall to check for water spots or mold growth. If you find the leak, locate the water valve and turn it off to stop the flow of water. If not, proceed to inspect any water lines in the room. 

Check under sinks, around the toilet and near showerheads for any signs of dripping or running water. Lastly, examine windows and doors for any gaps or cracks that could allow water to enter your home during rainfall.

What to Do After Locating the Leak 

Once you have located the source of the leak and taken necessary steps to stop the flow of water, it is important to assess the extent of the damage. Water can seep into hard-to-reach areas, such as behind walls and under floors, resulting in issues like mold growth and structural damage. 

Take some pictures of the damage, but avoid standing in any water as it may have come into contact with electrical outlets and become hazardous. Instead, open windows and turn on fans to help dry out the affected area. Next, get us on the phone! Contacting our team of experts  ensures proper restoration and minimizes further damage.

The SERVPRO® Restoration Plan 

It may seem like using a mop and bucket to address a water leak is sufficient, but it’s highly likely that the water has infiltrated hard-to-reach areas. This is where our expertise comes into play! 

With our advanced industrial blowers and air movers, we can extract every drop of moisture from your space. Furthermore, we can repair any damage your home may have sustained, such as replacing damp drywall, restoring warped floors and addressing ceiling damage. 

We can also pinpoint the cause of the leak and provide repair solutions for that specific area. Our goal is to ensure that your home is restored to its previous state, regardless of the circumstances.

Discovered water damage? Call SERVPRO of Columbia andSuwannee Counties right away.

What to Do About a Leaking Appliance | SERVPRO of Columbia & Suwannee Counties

10/25/2023 (Permalink)

Woman in gloves having washing machine leak wiping floor and wrinkling rag in bucket Have leaking appliances? Call SERVPRO of Columbia and Suwannee Counties to help clean up your space in no time!

Our homes are so advanced nowadays with all of the fancy equipment and appliances that we use on a daily basis. We are all so busy that we have to rely on things like our washing machines and dishwashers to perform their necessary tasks so we can go about our days with clean dishes and clothes without much thought. 

However, every time we crank the dial on the laundry machine or pop another dish pod into the dishwasher, there’s a risk of suffering a water disaster.

Water damage can occur from a massive system malfunction or from something as simple as a slow drip from a leaky water line. SERVPRO® of Columbia & Suwannee Counties explains more about tracking down a water leak below.

Stopping the Flow of Water

If you get home or walk into the room and all of a sudden your socks are soaked through, you’ve got a problem. Do your best to stay out of the water while you navigate yourself to the main water shutoff valve in your home. 

Turn off the valve, and consider turning off the electrical breaker to that particular area just to be on the safe side. Then you should shut the water valve or close the water pipe from the water line that is leading into the appliance.

Once the water has been stopped and the electricity has been switched off, you can now investigate the source of the leak. Sometimes seals can deteriorate over time and can lead to a significant water event, or a malfunction from your appliance causes it to overflow or back up, which leads to the watery mess. In any case, get us on the phone right away so we can get to work on your restoration. 

Recovery and Restoration
Time is of the essence when it comes to water disasters because any amount of standing water can cause significant damage in a short amount of time. We will come out to your home quickly to locate the reason for the leak while we simultaneously start extracting the excess water and drying up the residual moisture. 

We will work on fixing the problem that caused the leak in the first place while addressing any necessary repairs due to the standing water. Even just an inch of water can cause warped floors, stained or soggy walls, or soaked carpet. We will remove any ruined materials and replace them. After we are through, you would never know a water disaster occurred in your home!

Water damage can get worse the longer it lingers. Contact us today at SERVPRO of Columbia & Suwannee Counties

Water Damage & Different Categories

10/18/2023 (Permalink)

Standing water up to couch cushions No job too big or small

Knowing the difference between clean, gray, and black water can help a lot during the process and being able to understand what types of damage are covered under your insurance policy.

With any loss, there are ways to identify the level and severity of the damage that has occurred to your home.

What is Clean Water?

Clean water is water that comes from your faucet or showerhead that you can drink safely. It is also considered rainwater or snowmelt. Water damage from within your home can come from a broken water line, a busted toilet tank, a leaky washer or refrigerator, or rain or snowmelt entering your home. While clean water flooding your floors may not cause an immediate health risk, it can quickly evolve into the gray water after prolonged contact with building surfaces, material, and items. This can happen within 48 hours which is why it is important to call our team as soon as possible after a flood or water damage.

What is Gray Water?

Gray water is water that may contain chemicals or contaminants that may be harmful to your health. Gray water can come from the shower and sink drains, the washer drain, the dishwasher drain, and aquariums. Gray water can cause even more damage than clean water and can evolve into black water within 48 hours causing even further damage and health risks. 

What is Black Water?

Blackwater is contaminated water from floodwaters and sewage waters. It can come from a flooded river, a backed up toilet or sewage line in your home. It can cause health effects and should be avoided. 

Blackwater should be professionally removed, dried out and cleaned by professionals with the right tools and processes to ensure a thorough cleanup. 

SERVPRO of North Clay/Oakleaf/North Middleburg is always here to help. Feel free to reach out with any additional questions or concerns for future reference.

Contact us 24/7/365 at 904-961-8870

Firefighting to Fire Restoration

10/17/2023 (Permalink)

Salvage the remainder of your home from a portion being on fire House fire that can be extinguished

Firefighters are trained to respond promptly to any emergency, and their work can help prevent further loss or destruction of property. This may involve employing various firefighting methods, which could include:

  • Utilizing fire hoses to extinguish flames
  • Spraying foam and water on different areas of the building to contain the fire
  • Cutting holes in walls or roofs to enable smoke and heat to escape
  • Searching for pockets of fire using thermal imaging cameras
  • Ventilating toxic smoke from the building

Firefighters are trained to respond promptly to any emergency, and their work can help prevent further loss or destruction of property.

During a firefighting effort, firefighters use large amounts of water to extinguish flames and prevent the fire from spreading. A fire hose can deliver up to 100 gallons of water per minute, depending on the size and intensity of the blaze and the type of building and firefighting technique employed. In some cases, water pressure may need to be increased to ensure it reaches high-rise buildings.

In addition to water, firefighters may also use foam to suppress fires. The foam tends to be more effective than water in certain situations, such as fires involving flammable liquids or gases.

Using water and foam during firefighting can cause significant damage to buildings, even after a fire has been extinguished. Water can seep into floors, walls, and ceilings, causing structural damage and promoting the growth of mold and mildew. Foam can leave a residue that must be cleaned to avoid damaging surfaces.

Our Fire Damage Restoration Services

Therefore, extensive damage restoration, including water restoration, is often necessary after a fire. Properties damaged by fire will likely need mold remediation if left alone for too long. It is strongly recommended to seek professional assistance from an experienced fire restoration company, such as SERVPRO of Columbia and Suwannee Counties to ensure the proper and safe restoration of any affected property.

Have questions about fire or restoration services?

Call SERVPRO of Columbia and Suwannee Counties 24/7 to schedule your fire restoration estimate at no cost. 386-754-0261

Hurricane Season has Arrived

7/5/2023 (Permalink)

List of names for hurricanes 2023 Atlantic Hurricanes

Time to be prepared for the flooding, possible tree damage, wind damage, etc. that can affect your home or business.  So many times people have not done what they can to prevent some, not necessarily all, of the damage resulting from a hurricane.  

This year NOAA has predicted to be a near-normal year with fewer hurricanes than in the past several years. 

Living in Florida definitely has benefits but it also has some twists and turns and hurricanes is one to be prepared for.   There is a list made available every year to assist with being ready in case you have a hurricane or storm coming your way. 

As you know, SERVPRO is always readily available to assist in your time of need also!  You can reach us to assist in the North Central Florida area up to the Georgia line.  We cover Lake City, Jasper, Live Oak, Lake Butler, White Springs, Madison & Fort White just to name a few areas.  Call us at 386-754-0261 and we will be glad to assist you or help with locating the nearest franchise near you.   

Rely on SERVPRO to Handle Your Fire-Damaged Home | SERVPRO® of Columbia and Suwannee Counties

5/19/2023 (Permalink)

 img src =”fire” alt = "a home set ablaze in a raging fire” > House fires are scary events that leave your mind racing. Call SERVPRO of Columbia and Suwannee Counties to help so you focus on what matters most.

If you suffer a house fire, your mind will probably be running on adrenaline for a while while you focus your efforts on getting your family out safely, calling 911 and watching as the fire department works tirelessly to save your home. After the fire is out and the trucks drive away, the reality of your situation may begin to sink in.

House fires can be devastating and can cause complete destruction in a short amount of time, and it is necessary to take quick action and begin the repair process quickly to avoid further damage from the elements. SERVPRO of Columbia and Suwannee Counties is here to walk you through every step of the recovery process.

What Happens First

It all starts with the first phone call! No matter what time you call, someone will be there on the other end. We will start asking questions about the fire to get a better idea of what happened and the scale of the recovery, and we will start making a plan with you.

After that, we hop in our trucks to come see the damage for ourselves. We are thorough in our inspection to ensure we fully understand the project ahead of us. Then, we will secure the rest of your home by boarding up windows and laying tarps.

What Happens Next

Once we have our plan and your home is secure, we get right to work. We bring in our equipment and start removing debris and drying out the water. Many homes have water damage due to the hoses used to put the fire out. Then we also use our specialized equipment to remove soot and residual smoke.

Finally, we give your house a good cleaning and sanitize everything that is able to be returned into your home. We bring in our air scrubbers and fogging equipment to ensure everything is back to normal.

Here Comes the Best Part

Now it’s time to restore your home! The restoration piece of your recovery is when you can begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel. We can hang new drywall, install new carpet and even handle full reconstruction of rooms or levels of your home.

We know that suffering a house fire isn’t easy, so we work hard to make sure the recovery process is as smooth as possible for you. We can even work with your insurance company to handle your claim! SERVPRO of Columbia and Suwannee Counties is on your side 24/7.

Have you recently suffered a house fire? Our fire damage restoration team can help.

How Technology is Valuable During a Storm

9/28/2022 (Permalink)

4 people on phones and laptops Technology is your friend during an emergency situation.

While the idea of technology seems simple on the outside, the constant updates and innovations can deter people from learning all that their devices can do for them. When emergencies or natural disasters hit close to home, it can be extremely advantageous to know how to make the best use of your technological devices. Technology allows you to stay updated on outside conditions as well as let family and friends know where you are.

We recommend keeping portable chargers readily accessible so that you can make the most of your technology during an emergency. Keep these tips on how to effectively use your devices in mind.

Applications for News Updates

Checking apps for updates on your smartphone is a fast and easy way to catch up with the latest news in North Central Florida. Make sure you have reliable news apps downloaded before inclement weather hits so that you can stay posted on local weather conditions and national updates.

Mark Yourself Safe

Another helpful feature of social media that not a lot of people know to use is the ability to mark yourself as safe. Facebook offers a feature called Safety Check that lets users mark themselves as safe if there is a dangerous situation in or near where you live. Simply updating your status as safe lets family and friends know that for the time being, you are out of harm’s way. The Red Cross has a similar feature called Safe & Well, which is both an app and website, where users can be marked safe.

Use Online Storage

Websites like Google Drive and DropBox ease the stress of possibly losing important copies of identification cards, passports, insurance policies, medical records, pet records, etc. in the event of a disaster. Be sure to scan and save any important documents before inclement weather is expected.

Make SERVPRO of Columbia & Suwannee Counties your go-to team when your North Florida home or business is in need of any kind of remediation. Call us today at (386) 754–0261.

Storm Safety in North Central Florida

9/28/2022 (Permalink)

brochure with cloud and lightening strike on it Practice Storm Safety and be Prepared

It feels like the weather changes almost instantly in North Florida!  One minute it is hot and dry, the next minute a storm or hurricane is approaching the area.  No matter what, we seem to get our fair share of rain consistently!

We had a friend get in trouble really quickly while driving during a flood watch/warning. Thankfully, emergency crews rescued her in time but her car was a total loss.  She literally said it was seconds from when she attempted to drive through what she thought was a "shallow but big puddle" and the time her car began to fill with water.  After that, she reminds me every time it starts to rain like it is right now. 

Thinking of my friends and neighbors in our North Florida, I decided to go on Weather.GOV today and do some research as I watched the rain pour down. I found these really good tips to keep us and our loved ones safe during this rainy time.  Please stay safe out there!

During a flood, water levels and the rate the water is flowing can quickly change. Remain aware and monitor local radio and television outlets. Avoid floodwaters at all costs and evacuate immediately when water starts to rise. Don't wait until it's too late!

  • Stay Informed: Listen to radio and television, including NOAA Weather Radio if possible, check the Internet and social media for information and updates.
  • Get to Higher Ground: If you live in a flood-prone area or are camping in a low-lying area, get to higher ground immediately.
  • Obey Evacuation Orders: If told to evacuate, do so immediately. Lock your home when you leave. If you have time, disconnect utilities and appliances.
  • Practice Electrical Safety: Don't go into a basement, or any room, if water covers the electrical outlets or if cords are submerged. If you see sparks or hear buzzing, crackling, snapping, or popping noises--get out! Stay out of water that may have electricity in it!
  • Avoid Flood Waters: Don't walk through floodwaters. It only takes 6 inches of moving water to knock you off your feet. If you are trapped by moving water, move to the highest possible point and call 911 if possible. Do NOT drive into flooded roadways or around a barricade; Turn Around, Don't Drown! Water may be deeper than it appears and can hide hazards such as sharp objects, washed-out road surfaces, electrical wires, chemicals, etc. A vehicle caught in swiftly moving water can be swept away in 12 inches of water can float a car or small SUV, 18 inches of water can carry away large vehicles.

As you can tell, water can be extremely dangerous and it can quickly cause large amounts of damage. If floodwater enters your home, be sure to follow flood safety tips from the CDC, and then give SERVPRO of Columbia & Suwannee Counties covering more than five North Central Florida counties a call at (386) 754-0261. 

How Do I Properly Clean My Live Oak Home After A Fire

6/21/2022 (Permalink)

Red Fire Hydrant in grass and by a wall Right after the call to the Fire Department, make SERVPRO in Lake City be your very next call!

Contacting a cleaning professional may be the best decision you can make if a fire occurs in your home. The flames, heat, soot, and smoke will affect every room in your house, and your structure can even be adversely affected. Recovery from a fire event is a tremendous job, so you will need the assistance of professionals who have the expertise and equipment required to get your work or personal space back to normal as soon as possible. Our SERVPRO of Columbia & Suwannee Counties team can be onsite right away to help you begin the recovery process.

What Steps Can I Take While Waiting For SERVPRO To Arrive At My Sparta Home?

While you are waiting for SERVPRO to arrive, there are some things you can do to begin the cleaning and recovery process:

  • Be sure to limit movement in the home to prevent soot particles from being embedded into upholstery and carpets.
  • Keep hands clean so as not to further soil upholstery, walls, and woodwork.
  • Place clean towels or old linens on rugs, upholstery, and carpet traffic areas.
  • If electricity is off, empty freezer and refrigerator and prop doors open.
  • Clean and protect chrome with a light coating of petroleum jelly or oil.
  • Wash houseplants on both sides of the leaves.
  • Change HVAC filter.
  • Tape double layers of cheesecloth over air registers.

What Types Of Fire-Related Cleaning and Restoration Services Does SERVPRO Offer?

Cleaning Process. SERVPRO specializes in restoring the contents of a home or business that has suffered from fire damage or water damage. The team will assess all your belongings carefully to determine which items can be restored to their “pre-fire” condition and will use several cleaning methods to restore your property to its original condition. These can include:

  • Foam. The foam method is used for upholstery since upholstery can shrink, or the colors may bleed in water.
  • Dry. This method gets rid of light residue.
  • Wet. This technique is a very effective cleaning method used to remove moderate to heavy residues.
  • Immersion. In this method, items are dipped into a bath of cleaning products for a thorough cleaning that removes heavy residues and overwhelming odors.  
  • Electronics. Electronics damaged by fire and the accompanying smoke often present a serious hazard, so never turn on fire-damaged electrical devices. The smoke residue contains acids that corrode metal and can cause electronic failure in an electrical component. Computers, televisions, and CD/DVD players should be assessed and cleaned by a professional before being used. 
  • Odor Removal. Inhaling smoke can have an immediate negative effect on you, even if it’s only for a short time, so managing lingering soot and smoke is important. Hiring a professional fire and smoke damage restoration contractor will ensure that your property is free from the after-effects of a fire quickly and thoroughly. 
  • Reconstruction. If the smoke and fire damage to your home or business is such that it will need extensive restoration or rebuilding, SERVPRO can organize your move-out process. Removing your items from designated areas will help any remodeling process go a lot faster and protect them from any further damage. Once that is complete, we can then coordinate and organize your move back into your premises to get back to normal.

If your Live Oak home or business has suffered damage from fire, water, or mold, SERVPRO of Columbia & Suwannee Counties team is fire damage and water damage experts, and we handle mold remediation, too. As part of our fire restoration services, we remove all unpleasant fire-related odorsas well. 

This franchise is independently owned and operated.  We have been in business since 2005 and have over 80 Years Combined Experience so make us your first call at 386-754-0261 and let us help you with our expertise.

What Are Some Dos And Don’ts If You Experience Water Damage In Your Business?

6/21/2022 (Permalink)

Caution Wet Floor sign yellow in color on a wet floor We are here to help in Clay County!

After any water damage situation, your primary focus should always be safety first. If the flooding is extensive, you need to ensure it's safe for everyone to stay in the building; water damage can create dangerous structural issues. As everyone knows, electricity and water are a bad combination, so that's another thing to watch out for. When moving about the premises, you will want to guard against slip and fall accidents. 

You may decide to begin cleaning up the mess yourself, but please keep in mind that wet materials can be far heavier than they are when they are dry. Know your limits, and only do what you know you can do safely. Engaging the help of a restoration specialist like SERVPRO can be a wise choice that will allow you to avoid unfortunate accidents. We can be onsite at your Walker commercial location right away to start your water damage recovery process.

What Are Some Steps I Can Take If My Clay County Business Is Affected By Water Damage?

Some "dos" when handling water damage to your commercial location: 

  • Do remove excess water by mopping and blotting.
  • Do wipe excess water from wood furniture after removal of lamps and tabletop items.
  • Do remove and prop wet upholstery and cushions.
  • Do place aluminum foil or wood blocks between furniture legs and wet carpeting.
  • Do turn air conditioning on for maximum drying in summer.
  • Do remove colored rugs from wet carpeting.
  • Do remove art objects to a safe, dry place.
  • Do gather up loose items from floors.

What Are Some Tasks I Need To Avoid When Managing Water Damage At My Commercial Location In Clay County?

Here are some definite "don'ts" to be mindful of while recovering your property from a water damage event: 

  • Don't leave wet fabrics in place. 
  • Don't leave books, magazines, or other colored items on wet carpet or floors.
  • Don't use a regular vacuum to remove water.
  • Don't use computers or other appliances.
  • Don't turn on ceiling fixtures if the ceiling is wet, and keep out of rooms where ceilings are sagging.

SERVPRO of North Clay County/Oakleaf/North Middleburg is here to help you with emergencies and disasters of all types and sizes. In addition to water damage, we handle fire damage, mold remediation, odor removal and deodorization, biohazards, and more!

This franchise is independently owned and operated.  We are located in Orange Park, Florida and here to help in North Clay County businesses and homes.  904-861-8870 is the easiest way to get in touch with us.